Are you interested in reading my fiction? Click here to subscribe to my newsletter and get access to the not-linked areas of my site where I share short stories, snippets from current WIPs, and poetry not found anywhere else.
And if you love speculative fiction consider checking out my novella, Broken Pieces, the National Indie Excellence Award Winner in the small books category and a finalist in the miscellaneous category. You can read chapter one for free using this link! (Ebook only .99 cents on Amazon!)
The big bad wolf isn’t as heartless as the stories have told us.
Baba Yaga isn’t the evil child eating crone of legend.
And handsome princes aren’t always as chivalrous as they seem.
“It was strange, how much like Winter Death could be.”
Doesn’t that line send a chill up your spine. It did mine. Pun intended. (Punny and unashamed!)
That’s just one of the epic lines you’ll find in Shannon Dittemore’s debut novel Winter White and Wicked.
Whispers from the Depths is a dark fantasy novel written by C.W. Briar.
Because this review is of a novel, a much longer piece than I usually cover, the review will be longer too. But I think there is a lot of awesome stuff to be learned from Briar’s work so it’ll definitely be worth it.
But first, my overall review.
The Girl Who Could See is a 324 page long novella written by Kara Swanson, co-author of Pearls of Merlydia.
I was very excited to read The Girl Who Could See. I had an idea very similar to the premise of this novella, and wanted to see how another writer would handle it.
It was a very entertaining read that I think we can learn a lot from, structure wise.
But first, my overall review.
Hannah Heath is an indie-published author who runs an amazing website, (name of website), that teaches writing and geeks out over all the nerdy story stuff a writer could want to read about.
I was a huge fan of Hanah’s blog long before I read Skies of Dripping Gold.
With Broken Pieces finally up on Amazon in both paperback and ebook formats, I am officially an Indie author.
It’s such an exciting thought. Knowing my book is out there for the world to see. Hoping it can reach the hearts of the people who need its message most.
But it has also shown me just how hard it is to get people interested in buying your book as an Indie author. And why book reviews are so helpful!
That’s why I’ve decided to review more of the books I read on Amazon and Goodreads. It’s the least I can do for a writer who shared a part of their soul with me. Not to mention it’s an easy way to help writers out.
The Broken Pieces blog tour continues with this awesome guest post by Melissa Chan, owner of Literary Book Gifts!
I have some incredible news. My first ever novella is finally up on Amazon for pre-order.
To celebrate, me and a few writer friends are going to be having a book launch tour. On it, you’ll find book spotlights and book reviews where you can hear all about Broken Pieces. Welcome to the first stop. :D
And at the end, I’ll be hosting an amazing giveaway!
Thanks for visiting my site!
I am super excited to get to post the second entry in Journeys today. And it's doubly exciting to announce that the author of todays post is none other than MaryLu Tyndall.
Mrs. Tyndall is the bestselling author of the Legacy of the King's Pirates series (and others) and a huge fan of all things buccaneer.
In this post we will be hearing from Gabrielle Massman, a teenager with a heart for God and a calling to write. She runs a website/blog called Write for the King, a blog I visit frequently for writing advice and encouragement for my own journey.
If you would like to contact me about possibly guest posting on my blog "Journeys" you can through the contact page. But be sure to head to the "About" page and read my guest post policy first. Thanks!
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Do you have a book from childhood or your teen years that has always stayed with you?
No matter how long it’s been since you first read it, you continue to be pulled in by its characters or premise or prose.
For me, Raising Dragons is that book.